
We partner with nonprofits, colleges, and other organizations to deliver live, interactive experiences that reduce contempt and repair partisan divides.

See how Unify America is helping our partners build bridges, share fresh perspectives, and strengthen civic muscles.

Become a partner

Why is working with Unify America so great?

We’re allergic to boring.

Who isn’t? We take a dash of behavioral science, mix with plain, everyday language and toss with a bit of lighthearted humor.

86% of participants say they’d recommend Unify America experiences to their friends and family.

Illustration - Character looking dapper
Illustration - Character lifting weights

We do the heavy lifting for you.

Want to onboard your class of 150 students or an entire church congregation? No problem. Need to track participation? We got you.

Once your group signs up, we’ll take it from there. Just sit back, relax. We got this.

We measure the impact and deliver the data to you.

After your group takes the Unify Challenge, the survey results are analyzed and compiled into an Impact Report.

All the quantitative data is sliced and diced by demographics and political ideologies, complete with truly beautiful charts and graphs! Video and written testimonials complete the package.

Illustration - Character pointing at a bar chart
Illustration - Character as a waiter offer a bill with a zero balance

We deliver immersive experiences to your students or members — for free.

As a non-profit, Unify America’s programming is provided at no cost to you or your organization. If you’re interested in getting started or want to discuss ways we can customize experiences for your members or classroom, get in touch.

we partner with
our collegiate program

The Unify Challenge.
For colleges.

Illustration - College student character

Our programs equip students to have constructive conversations across different backgrounds and ideologies with evidence-based interactive experiences designed to encourage effective dialogue, promote civil discourse, and reduce contempt.

Taking the Unify Challenge provides students with the opportunity to get outside of their bubble for a meaningful conversation about real issues. Students learn how to:

  • Have productive discussions with people who are different from themselves

  • Process information in real time with a partner

  • Practice public speaking and understanding their audience

  • Disassemble stereotypes and preconceived notions

  • Focus on what unites us instead of what divides us

  • Think about shared goals for our country instead of fighting about tactics

WHAT professorS SAY

As a professor teaching political science and public policy, I work to help students find ways to develop innovative policy solutions in the face of daunting political challenges. Doing so requires rich political discussions that enable students to move beyond the chronic polarization and gridlock that characterize our political landscape.

The Unify Challenge provides a unique opportunity for students to connect with interlocutors whose positions differ from their own and to engage in authentic political discussion.

As a result, participants take an important first step toward finding the kind of common ground necessary for effective problem solving.”

Headshot - Deondra Rose

Deondra Rose, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Public Policy, Political Science, and History
Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University
Director, Polis: Center for Politics

The Unify Challenge provided an exceptional communication activity for our civic engagement students.  Our students reported that the experience provided valuable direct interaction with students from another part of the country and that they found common ground even where it wasn’t expected.”

Headshot - Clark Friesen

Clark Friesen

Professor of Speech Communication
Coordinator, Center for Civic Engagement
Lone Star College - Tomball

a collegiate experience

In April, 2021, we paired students from Lone Star College-Tomball with Duke University to take the Unify Challenge.

Here’s what a few had to say about their experience...

“I really felt this challenge was a means of breaking chains within the political parties and showing people that we are more alike than not.”

Lucy T. | Athens, GA

“Especially for people who don’t interact that often with people of differing political beliefs, this is a good, safe way to engage with these people.”

David M. | Harlingen, TX

“This challenge was such a unique experience. Never before have I had such an in-depth conversation about my beliefs, let alone with a complete stranger. It’s an experience that I think everyone deserves to have and should have.”

Mikayla H. | Stockton, CA

"I think it’s helpful to get a perspective of the opposite aisle that doesn’t come from the media or political commentators – that is, it’s helpful to actually talk to someone with different beliefs than me, rather than just listening to people talk about them.”

Angus L. | Manchester, MO, IL

When you partner with Unify America, you enrich your members and students with live interactive experiences that build community and bridges.

Reach out to discuss how we can work together.

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