What is the Unify Challenge?

It’s a guided video conversation that you’ll take with another American who may vote differently than you or be different than you in other ways. It’s a small but powerful way for everyday people to heal our national divide.

Consider this your official invitation to step out of your “bubble.” We the People can lead the way.

Sign up for the Unify Challenge

Surprisingly good things happen when we break out of our “bubbles.”

Illustration - Characters caught in their bubble, then pop it

It’s human nature to feel comfortable with “our own tribe”... but it’s not so healthy for our country. Meet face-to-face with a fellow American who you might never get to know in your real life—or on social media.

If you think people who voted “for the other guy” or watch that news channel are, well... fill in the blank... you will likely be surprised. In a good way!

In our research, we learned that when it comes to big goals, we’re not that far apart.

Agree that, “We should make sure that all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable healthcare.”

Agree that, “Along with other countries, done legally, we should be a haven for those who are fleeing their own countries to save their lives.”

“This challenge was such a unique experience. Never before have I had such an in-depth conversation about my beliefs, let alone with a complete stranger. It's an experience that I think everyone deserves to have and should have.”

Viv W. | Rose Hill, TX

Illustration - Boxer character (facing right)
Here’s how it works

Let’s choose to put down our gloves and come together.

Illustration - Boxer character (facing left)
Animated GIF of a person being assigned a partner

1. Tell us about yourself.

Start by answering a few questions. This part’s easy! Just answer a few basic questions so we can match you with the perfect partner. Your match may vote differently than you do or be someone you’d never get the chance to meet in your daily life.

Then, you’ll pick a date for your Challenge. We typically run them in the evenings.

2. What you’ll need…

You’ll need a computer. (The Challenge DOES NOT work on your phone or a tablet.)

Give yourself about an hour. Some partners chat longer because they get into it. Totally up to you!

And you’ll need an open mind. It’s OK to disagree. In fact, it’s great to disagree.

The best Challenges are ones where people find common ground and get into productive but respectful disagreement.

Illustration - Characters getting matched
Illustration - Characters chatting in a Unify Challenge

3. Take the challenge and have a conversation.

You may be thinking… “A video conversation with a complete stranger? What will we talk about?” Don’t worry. We make it super easy. It’s a guided survey that you take together about goals for the country around issues like healthcare, immigration, the economy, education, criminal justice, and more. You don't have to be “into politics” — no prep needed!

Something very special happens when you hop on a video call with another American who you’d simply never meet in your daily life. When we’re with our “tribe,” we bond. We hit “like.” We re-tweet. But when we’re outside our bubble... we bridge. It’s a cool experience.

4. Feel hopeful and tell everyone you know what you just did.

Hope? What’s that? This experience is exhilarating. You’ll want to tell everyone you know what you just did.

It’s like going on a rollercoaster that looks scary, but after you go on it and you zoom through the drops and loops, you're like “I want to do that again!” The Unify Challenge is like that but without the long lines and screaming 13 year olds.

Animated GIF of a person wearing a prize ribbon


Who will I be paired up with? What if we don’t get along?

You will be paired with another American who you wouldn’t ordinarily interact with in your daily life. You may not always agree (and that’s the beauty of it!) but everyone does this with the best of intentions. People worry that they'll be paired with a troll or someone combative. In our experience, this simply doesn't happen. But if it does, you can just leave the conversation and contact us.

I’m not a political expert. Do I need to do homework?

Nope. No need to prepare at all.

How are people matched?

Our system tries to match folks who are political opposites first. Sometimes, people who are more politically aligned but are different geographically or demographically get matched. We have a special experience for those Challenge matches!

Will my email address or contact info be shared with my partner?

No. We protect your privacy. Some people really like getting to know each other and may choose to share contact info — but that’s entirely up to you!

Do you screen participants?

People worry about this and wonder if they’ll encounter a troll. To date, we have never had this issue. Unify America attracts folks who are worried about toxic polarization. Most have had politics divide their families and friends. These are people who are part of the “exhausted majority.” On the off-chance you get matched with an idiot, you can always just hit the Help button or simply close your browser.

How much time will it take?

Plan for about an hour. Sometimes it takes less time… and sometimes partners go longer because they are so interested in the conversation.

What kind of computer setup do I need?

You will need a desktop or a laptop computer that you can use for a video call. The experience won’t work on a mobile phone. We will walk you through everything — it’s easy.

Congrats, you’ve read it all! Sign up for the Unify Challenge today.

Let's get started

It’s up to each and every one of us to heal our national divisions. Think of taking the Unify Challenge as a free, patriotic act that you can do at your computer after dinner.

Things are heating up in our country and not in a good way. It’s time for you (yes, you) to take the first step away from the fire.

Here’s what — when you strip away the insults and the forces working overtime to divide us with fear and misinformation, what you get is a country filled with people who want a lot of the same things.

We the People can lead the way.

So, what are you waiting for? Get on board with your fellow problem-solving, bridge-building unifiers.