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Civil Dialogue at UWEC: Building Bridges and Strengthening Civic Muscles

Molly Ostrem

Molly Ostrem

Sep 6, 2024

Sep 9, 2024

Civil Dialogue at UWEC: Building Bridges and Strengthening Civic Muscles
The Spectator

At the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC), a new approach to fostering understanding and connection among students is taking root, and it’s one that can inspire campuses across the nation. Amid growing concerns that students feel uncomfortable sharing their views—or even considering others'—UWEC is stepping up as a leader in promoting freedom of expression and civil discourse on campus.

Fall 2023: A Pilot for Change

In the Fall of 2023, UWEC launched a pilot study to explore the power of civil dialogue. They joined the more than 200 other colleges and universities across the country to implement the Unify Challenge College Bowl —a virtual, one-on-one, guided conversation where students were paired with politically different peers from other universities. The goal? To help students build their civic muscles by engaging in conversations at a national level across lines of difference.

The results were encouraging. Before the conversations began, many students reported feeling nervous. Yet, something remarkable happened as they talked. By the end of their conversations, students felt more optimistic, inspired, invigorated, and excited about engaging with others who held different views. A whopping 94% of participants said they found "quite a bit" or "a great deal" of common ground with their partners. Additionally, 77% of students enjoyed the conversations, and 100% reported that their partners treated them with respect.

Real Voices, Real Impact

The feedback from students who participated was powerful. One student shared, “I am glad that I participated because I gained valuable perspective as well as respect for the view in opposition to my own.” Another reflected, “I felt a little more optimistic about the country afterwards, that we could actually work together and maybe find some common ground.”

These reflections reveal the heart of what we’re aiming for at Unify America: fostering a spirit of collaboration, respect, and understanding across differences. As one student put it, “I was envisioning an hour-long bloodbath Zoom call with someone who would be attacking me the whole time... however, the questions were worded very well to facilitate actual conversation and encourage finding middle ground... I learned that people of any political affiliation can agree on core values underlying an issue, even if we have different ideas on how to solve the problem.”

Add your university to the College Bowl

Interested in bringing the Unify Challenge to your classroom or university? Learn more & save your spot for the upcoming College Bowl today.

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Scaling the Initiative: Expanding Dialogue and Engagement

UWEC didn’t stop there. In Spring 2024, they conducted a more extensive study to see just how impactful these conversations could be. This time, they ran a randomized controlled trial, with some students participating in the Unify Challenge College Bowl, while others watched a neutral video. The goal was to measure changes in attitudes toward viewpoint diversity and expression.

The findings were eye-opening. Participating in the College Bowl had a positive effect on students’ attitudes toward others with different views on controversial issues. Students reported less disagreement and more agreement with others who held opposing viewpoints after engaging in civil conversations. These conversations created a space where students could break down barriers, find common ground, and walk away with a greater sense of connection.

Lessons Learned: Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zones

The takeaway from UWEC’s efforts is clear: engaging in civil dialogue is not just possible—it’s powerful. It allows us to see beyond stereotypes and misconceptions and connect on a human level. As one student insightfully noted, “...the best way to unite America so that we really are one nation is to have these uncomfortable conversations.”

By continuing to create spaces where students can engage openly and respectfully, UWEC and hundreds of others across the country are helping to cultivate a new generation of citizens who are ready to listen, learn, and lead with empathy and courage. This is what it means to strengthen our civic muscles—by stepping into conversations that challenge us and finding the common ground that unites us.

A Call to Action: Join the Movement

UWEC’s success is just the beginning. YOU can take part in building meaningful conversations, too. Whether you’re a student, an educator, or simply passionate about bridging divides, the Unify Challenge offers an opportunity to make an impact. Take the Unify Challenge yourself or bring it to your classroom, and help foster a stronger, more unified America—one conversation at a time.

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