Karen Hambro

Karen Hambro

Senior Software Engineer

I love to experience new places and learn from people with different backgrounds. I grew up in rural Vermont, home to maple syrup and Town Meeting Day. I moved across the country to attend college in Portland, Oregon, where I voted in my first presidential election via mail-in ballot. After college, I spent four years in Barcelona, teaching English and earning a Master’s Degree in Public Policy. I’ve lived in Seattle for over a decade now, working in technology and advocating for prison and immigration reform.

Each place I’ve lived has expanded my horizons. Living in Spain, I experienced a country where health care was accessible by all, regardless of health insurance or immigration status. This experience shaped my vision of a just and equitable society and allowed me to reflect on what I could do to contribute. Today, I get to combine my love for software development with my passion for working with people to move our society forward toward common goals.